Page Speed Checker
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Are you an individual thinking why it's taking too long to load up a website? Or own a website that has garnered overtly high bounce rates? No worries, there’s a new tool that would be very helpful for you.
What is a Page Speed Checker?
If you have ever tried to get relevant information on a very slow loading website, you can understand how daunting that can be. The Page Speed Checker comes in very useful here.
Page Speed Checker is an SEO tool that is used to gauge the loading speed and time of any website. It does this by scanning through and doing a speed test on every web page on a website.
Why Do You Need To Use A Page Speed Checker?
- It saves you time and your nerves. Why spend hours loading only 2 pages of a website, when you can find yet another that can serve you and spend only 10 minutes getting all the information you need? Using the Page Speed Checker can save companies and individuals lots of time. Knowing ahead of time that a website is going to take lots of time gives you a clear direction to search for an alternative.
- It increases the number of your website visitors. When companies experience a low number of visits website visits, it usually can be attributed to poor website loading speed. As a website owner, use the Page Speed Checker to know the loading speed of your website and make all the necessary changes to make it faster. This makes more people visit your page as they can find what they want immediately.
- Decreases your website bounce rate Bounce rate is when visitors view one page of your website and leave. This can be triggered by slow website response time and in most cases, the Google SERP bots mark your website as spam overtime when your bounce rates are high. Page Speed Checker helps decrease the website bounce rate by informing you if your website has a long speed loading time.
- It improves your website SEO ranking. The more visits you get to your website, the higher your rank on Google Search. Page Speed Checker makes that possible.
- Increases your level of sales. When the website loading time is fast, more people would visit your website, engage with your content and purchase what you have to offer.
- Increases the popularity of what you offer. If your website has very rich engaging content and sells what you offer in the best possible way. Best believe through the use of Page Speed Checker, that you would gain more popularity amongst folks. As they would keep sharing your website URL, and more individuals can see what you do.
Who Can Use A Page Speed Checker?
Anyone with access to a mobile phone, laptop or internet can use this tool. All you have to do is input the website URL in the search box and it displays all you need to know.
When You Should Use A Page Speed Checker?
Before visiting any website as it helps to know how much time it would take to get what you need. It can also be used when building a new website, this helps you know what to get rid of to increase your website loading time.
What Is The Best Page Speed Checker?
There are lots of Page Speed Checkers available online but there is one that truly stands out. In terms of usage, results, and features, you get the best service possible using Page Speed Checker by SerpBox.

It is so easy for anyone to use, as all you need to do is input the website URL and click on submit to get results.
Apart from that, it does a thorough job of breaking down all of the relevant information you need to solve the issue of slow loading time. Helping you curb the issue on time. It is the best online page speed test out there.
A website is a very important tool for every individual and business. Most owners, tend to focus on just look and content forgetting that it is also vital that a website has a good user experience. Slow loading time, not only kills the morale to ever visit a website but in the long run disrupts the level of patronage a company or individual gets.
To use SerpBox Page Speed Checker, visit the link below, input the website URL you want to check and Submit.