Enter a URL
A domain name is a unique identification name chosen by you for your web page. It is basically the name people use to identify your website. Domain names usually end with either .com, .org or .net.
Your domain name is how people are able to access your website. Any business or blog willing to have a worthy online presence must have a domain name. Domain names are unique to a person or website, i.e. no two websites can have the same domain names.
A website's IP (Internet Protocol) address is how the computer or internet saves and identifies your webpage. Unlike the domain name which you choose for yourself and could be a combination of letters and numbers, IP addresses are generated by your computer and are solely numbers.
IP addresses are strings of numbers linked to your domain name which the computer uses in the identification of your website.
In order for you to send data or information from one internet address to another, your computer has to be able to transcribe domain names of all parties involved in their IP addresses. These IP addresses could either be public, private, static or dynamic.
The composition of an IP address can also be used to tell what country that domain is being operated from. An example of an IP address is
Firstly, every person, blog, business or website interested in having an online presence needs to have a domain name. This domain name is fundamentally how people identify and recognize your brand online.
An IP address is as necessary as a home address because just as every home or physical location needs and has an address to distinguish one from the other, so does the IP address aid in distinguishing one networked device from the other and one web page from the other.
Now, why is it necessary that you be able to convert a domain name into an IP address?
The domain into IP tool is very necessary because, without the ability to create an IP address for your webpage, your computer won't be able to identify or work with it.
This tool helps in maintaining the relevance of your webpage. Computers are only able to process and work on data when presented in an IP format.
Domain names are converted into IP addresses with the use of a linking server known as DNS.
A DNS server (domain name system) is the server responsible for translating domain names into IP addresses. It acts as a link between domain names and their IP codes.
When a domain name is entered into the search box, your computer is only able to process this name or given information because of the existence of the domain name server which processes that domain name into an IP address.
Your computer is only capable of processing and working on data presented in the IP address form, so the domain name server (DNS) works like an address book and provides the internet with necessary IP information for the given or linked domain name.
Want to convert your domain name into an IP address, looking for the IP address of a web page or perhaps you would love to track the location from which data on a website or even a phone is coming from? Then make use of the SerpBox domain into IP tool. Why? Well because it is very quick and easy.
When you go to the Domain into IP Tool you would see a box where you are required to 'enter a URL'. In this box, you either type out the domain name or copy and paste it there, then click on submit and in a matter of seconds you would be directed to a page displaying the domain, its IP address, the country of the IP address and an accurate ISP (internet service provider).
In past times, online marketers and other internet users were required to make use of a command prompt in order to locate the IP address of whatever domain name they sought after, hence the reason why modern tools like the SerpBox domain into IP are well needed and embraced.
The SerpBox domain into IP tool is not only quick and easy to use, but it is also effective and efficient.